Two weeks of inward connection & deep intentional care for your soul.

The system of patriarchy and capitalism has us believing that we are not enough. That we are somehow broken. And therefore, most “spiritual” and “sensual” stuff out on the market is catering to that pain point within of inadequacy and not enough-ness.

This Soul-Care intensive isn’t that. It’s actually the opposite.

Two weeks of intentional care for your soul, leaning into embodied connection to Self (and therefore others), recognizing you are enough exactly as you are.

Starting here.

Being with now.

Worshipping in this moment.

Knowing in your bones that you matter.

This isn’t the typical program promising you solutions on how to make yourself “better” or how to “fix” yourself. 

It’s not a program about the end point.

It’s instead about how you embody the journey of meeting your most authentic Self…

Falling into the embrace of your Self.

Inward connection.


This is a Spring-time reset.

To go at the pace that YOU need to go at.

To establish or reestablish a relationship to heart, soul, body, mind and spirit.

And to feel.

And to love.

And to weep.

And to be.

And to make magic.


To transform. Simply by being.

Not through pushing.

Not through shoving.

Not through neglect.

Not through resistance.

But through simply accepting exactly where you are, right here and right now.

What do you receive with this 2 week intensive?

☾ Two-weeks (7 modules) of soul based content. This program moves with the waxing moon, meaning we begin with the New Moon through an opening ceremony on April 5, and travel through the waxing moon process, ending on the Full Moon on April 19 with a closing ceremony. You have access to 5 practice modules that you can complete with the waxing moon, or whenever it suits you.

☾ Self-led retreat. Go at your own pace, retreating into your interior world in a way that’s doable, manageable and applicable for your nervous system.

☾ DO-ABLE modules. Each daily module is no more than 25 minutes, released on April 8, 10, 12, 15 and 17. Talk about doable… you could do this with headphones in your office bathroom!

☾ Journal questions. Each module offers journal questions if you wish to spend more time on the material and go a bit deeper.

☾ Program platform. All the content is uploaded on a password protected page on my website. You’ll get access to this as long as the Internet is a thing!

 ☾ Daily emails. You’ll have daily email reminders of each module lesson. Not to put more pressure on you. Simply to offer you easy access into the materials, plus any insights that are channeled from the moon for that day.

 ☾ Hashtag. If you wish to stay connected to others through this process, there’s a program hashtag to use on Instagram and Facebook, plus I’ll be connecting with the group on Instagram in a variety of ways.


Module themes for the Soul-Care Intensive


Intention setting with the new moon.

The April 2019 New Moon is on Friday, the day of Venus, bringing in goddess love energy that provides the perfect potential to heal your relationship with yourself throughout this intensive. The New Moon is the void–there is no light in the sky. It is also the beginning, a fresh start and newness of nothing. When we begin this work of inward connection and Self expansion on the New Moon, we’re opening up a catalytic space of growth and transformation. Planting intentions on the New Moon helps us grow our manifestations as the moon’s light gradually expands in the sky. 

MONDAY, APRIL 8 → Self-Love & Soul-Care

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10 → Worthiness & Reclamation

FRIDAY, APRIL 12 → Soul Embodiment & Movement of Truth

MONDAY, APRIL 15 → Soul Sovereignty 

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17 → Clarity, Choice & Wild Connection    

FRIDAY, APRIL 19 → Authentic Soul Expression

Closing Full Moon Ceremony.

This Full Moon is in Libra, giving us an opportunity again to be with Venus and root into the balance, love, beauty, harmony and connection to all living things that we’ve established through our work together. This Full Moon is also right on the cusp of the Sun moving into Taurus, an earth sign that invites us to ground into the fertile soil of springtime (if you’re on the northern hemisphere). Therefore, this full moon ceremony gives us the opportunity to ground into the intentions of self-love and connection created with the full moon, and deepen our relationship with nature, our bodies, with nourishment and the abundance of this world.

After this intensive, you will receive…

  • A way out of the pattern of pushing past your limits, giving you permission to rest into your love.
  • A deepening into self-care, self-love, and intentional soul-care, and/or establishing a routine to experience this in your daily life.
  • Somewhere to go with resistance instead of just feeling it or pushing through it.
  • Exercises you can do when you’re feeling stuck in your spirituality, work, sexuality, or something else entirely.
  • A deep space to come back home to yourself, to Remember your Soul’s purpose, and to hear your Soul’s voice.
  • Helpful, loving, gentle and embodied ways to get yourself out of the downward spiral.
  • Four+ hours of very doable and manageable exercises that you can download and use daily for the rest of your life.
  • A sense that others are doing this work with you–you are not alone.
  • A confidence in the truth of who you are and your full self expression within that.
  • Better knowing of your NO and your YES, and how to give yourself exactly what you need.
  • Perfect medicine for whatever particular issue you’re having on a given day.
  • Ways to feel centered, grounded and strong in your sense of Self.
  • A more loving attitude towards yourself, giving yourself full permission to be exactly where you are at.

What others are saying about Soul Embodiment…

When receiving coaching from Rachel, she opened and held space for a deep soul journey. She was always curious and open for the healing journey to unfold. The core intention for my coaching process came to me in our first session. The words were surprising and very clear,  but I couldn‘t imagine where they would lead me. Eventually I could see how the intention was so perfectly aligned with my soul’s purpose! Rachel has the unique gift to hold space for the soul to show up.

- Isabel Myriam, participant in 1-on-1 coaching, Jade Egg Intensive, and Pussy Church Program

“I’ve done different spiritual workshops, reatreats, etc. and honestly this may have been the most worth it of them all. It was the best investment!! I thank Rachel so much for sharing this work. I’m integrating this experience and intend to keep these practices as a core part of my life and spiritual practice going forward.”

- Emma A., participant in the Jade Egg Intensive

Rachel’s ability to dive into her deep inner work and to share that work with a group of sisters is such a gift. She is both tender and courageous, willing to “go there” in the deepest sense and also willing to hold space for others to “go there.” Through this work we are welcoming ourselves in our wholeness and also connecting with others around the globe who are part of this evolution and revolution. Rachel speaks directly to many issues that we face individually and collectively in our sexuality, embodiment, and spirituality, so there is something in this material for everyone. 

- Dana K.S., participant in the Jade Egg Intensive and Women in the Wild retreat

Who is guiding this Soul-Care journey?

Hi! I’m Rachel (though many call me Rae). I am a holistic sexuality and soul embodiment guide, helping spiritual seekers connect their sexuality to their spirituality through healing trauma, transforming shame and pain, and stepping into radical self-love.

I am a nature lovin’, soul-guided, visionary truth-teller with a forest nymph vibe. A shadowworker with a strong desire for all humans to be empowered in their truth–to express and embrace their authentic, embodied, sensual selves as radiant, wise and powerful, and to know the unbreakable core within their holy being.

I believe we cannot fully unleash our soul’s innermost knowing and voice until we step into the power that exists within our bodies, the very things society and the world have disconnected us from most, yet the things that are so innately ours to embrace.

With a history of sexual abuse and an extremely shut down sexuality, I’ve danced in the dark and know the trauma healing journey intimately. It wasn’t until I embarked on deep, intentional, slow and embodied soul-care that I began healing from the inside out, coming home to my soul’s emerging true essence, allowing that to lead the way.

With an M.A. in Religion, I extensively researched sexual and spiritual healing through neuroscience, trauma recovery and embodied interspirituality, focusing on holistic healing for those marginalized or spiritually traumatized by the Christian Church through LGBTQ+ identification and/or sexual suppression or abuse. 

I also completed a 600-hr Sex, Love and Relationship coaching program with Layla Martin at the Tantric Institute for Integrated Sexuality, and have done multiple trauma resolution trainings, including IFS and working for and with Rachael Maddox.

This work radically shifted my life, and my desire is that it does the same for you.

Are you craving deep inner connection, intimacy & a sense of unshakable self-love? Join us now for this Soul-Care intensive...

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