Rooted is a year-long journey to find deeper belonging within one’s Self, which in return creates greater belonging to the whole.
Imagine how much more rooted your life would be in business, with clients, in pleasure and with friends if you felt deeper belonging to your self, to your body and soul, to others, to the earth, to your ancestry and lineage, to spirit, to your sexuality, to your work and purpose, to your teachings and creativity – through listening and understanding your unique path and following the inherent treatment plan within your body, and learning how to do the same for others.
In this nuanced and multi-faceted training we celebrate, honor and hold room for ALL of the human experience, while remembering and returning to who you are at a core level, so that you can build a home within you. And then build a home with your work and purpose inside the world.
You probably already ARE rooted in particular ways.
You’ve done a lot of work.
You’ve learned how to show up like a champ in relationships, or family life, or your business or work life.
There are certain areas of life that feel expansive and empowering and transformational.
AND, you can feel where there are areas where you still feel wobbly or are struggling.
Perhaps you still get caught in people-pleasing, confused about “boundaries” or “codependency.” Or you feel where your freeze responses hold you back from living out your divine purpose. Or you grapple with patterns that are so deeply engrained that no matter how many years of work you’ve done or how many differently modalities you’ve used, you still come up against them.
You’re tired of searching for the “fix.” You’re tired of patholigizing yourself.
You’re tired of feeling like you’re the problem. Or that there’s a problem inside of you that you need to solve.
You’re tired of feeling like you’re lazy or not good enough.
You’re tired of paying business coaches only to make very small movements towards your career.
You’re tired of working so freaking hard towards your dreams and goals… only to crash and feel deflated again.
You’re tired of feeling triggered by your clients who seem “stuck” or unable to make movement in your containers. And then taking on the blame for that.
You’re tired of this exhausting world we live in, and you don’t feel a whole lot of hope in how we can move forward into a new way of being.
Your wobbly places and struggles don’t mean there is something wrong with you or your life. They might actually be a sign that your being is going through big longing and/or growth. Self-blame isn’t the answer, nor will it shift anything. Rather, Somatic Soul Care teaches you how to truly honor your nervous system, your soul’s path, and your unique beings truth.
Rooted: Somatic Soul Care Certification offers you a place to lay down for a moment, meet yourself in all that you’re carrying, and listen to your inner soul’s voice to find your unique path to grow deeper roots inside of yourself, even when there’s instability or chaos.
When we move forward TOGETHER, rooted in our bodies and souls, knowing our lineages, feeding our beings, and tuning into the deep, transformational healing powers of erotic pleasure…
we become powerful stewards of the souls, bodies, earth, lineages, spirit and sexualities of all. May Rooted be a homecoming to sovereignty, self-knowledge and self-empowerment – a true homecoming to your Self.
In this container we work with undigested life experiences in your body and energy field.
We heal by listening to your capacity, your pace and your unique needs so that you can have a vibrant and integrated life.
Rooted is a space to build relationships to the ecosystem of Self, the world, the earth and the unseen realms.
Take Root within Yourself.
Rebirth Yourself with Wider Capacity and Healed Sustainability to Show up for Collective transformation in this changing world.
Join me on a year long journey, experiencing and learning how to facilitate authentic healing and integrated transformation via…

- Somatic Trauma Resolution (with background in Somatic Experiencing, ReBloom coaching methodology, and Alchemical Alignment: Bodywork for Trauma Resolution and Embodiment of Spirit) so you can receive embodiment exercises and resourcing tools for when you or others you work with feel out of sorts, overwhelmed, anxious, frozen or numb.
- Internal Family Systems (IFS) parts work so you can feel centered, grounded and strong in your sense of Self, and how to carefully guide yourself and others back to that place when life, love and the chaos of the world interferes.
- VITA™ Sex, Love and Relationship Coaching so you can begin accessing your alive, sensual, primal and original sexual nature, while understanding the inhibiting patterns playing out in both your and other people’s systems around sexual energy, and so that you can meet clients or people in your life in shame free and empowering ways.
- Craniosacral healing and energy work so you can clear energetic patterns in your body and others, and anchor into your intuitive knowing, showing up in more alignment with your business, clients, community, relationships, family and your spiritual growth journey.
- Energetic Justice and anti-oppression work so you can lean into and show up to these wild times, while understanding the cyclical nature of collective transformation: the expansion and collapse + the regenerative change and the need for rest.
- Ancestral Healing & Animism so you can grow deep roots from your Self while connecting to the earth, your ancestry, and the root system of the wider collective.
- Codependency and Attachment Pattern Healing so you can better understand the dynamics of merging your field with others, and how to gain more sovereignty for yourself and clients while remaining in alignment with your truth and reality in your relationships.
At the core of this container lies the question that I return to again, and again, as I face internal chaos in myself and collective chaos in the world:
Can I be with these times and energies and intensity in my body, and rather than making it wrong, i instead use it as a catalyst to grow deeper roots and (re)connect to myself even more than before?
Body, Soul & Spirit Repair :: Softness :: Slowness :: Safety :: Trust :: Energy :: Creativity :: Alchemy :: Birth & Death :: Cycles :: Pleasure :: Magic :: Wisdom Ways :: Ancestors :: Grounding :: Earth
Rooted, a Somatic Soul Care Certification program is a year long container designed to help you connect to yourself AND to something larger through ritual, embodiment, somatic healing exercises, collective sharing and deep energetic healing meditations.
A space best suited for coaches, healers, mystics, seekers and individuals who have been on a spiritual path or self-development journey for some time, and are looking for a deeper rooting and development of self, while learning how to guide others through a similar journey of rebirth and transformation.
Rooted offers an embodied knowing and somatic understanding of yourself like never before. This profound nervous system ground work will impact your business, relationships, clients, family and the way you hold space for others in all areas of life.
Your Investment
Rooted: Somatic Soul Care Certification is a year long transformational container designed to hold deep, alchemical and integrative space to help you root into yourself so that you can show up for yourself, your clients, your work or business, your family, and for creating change in our chaotic world, in a stable, vibrant and more healed way.
Price: $8000 or 12 monthly payments of $667
(extended 16-month payment plan of $500/month available for those in need)
Limited 16 spots available

Who is Rooted: Somatic Soul Care Certification for?
Are you one of those people who have done all “the work?”
You have the coaching certifications, you’ve done the tantra workshops, you’ve paid for endless masterminds and business programs, you’ve seen a sex coach, a therapist, a reiki master and you’ve read ALL the Instagram memes about healing and nervous system regulation, yet recognize there’s an area in your life that still feels wobbly?
Rooted: Somatic Soul Care Certification program is for intuitive, powerful and somewhat “mystical” beings with a purpose, looking for an advanced somatic and energetic training so you can be more embodied and rooted with yourself, clients, relationships and life.
Maybe right now you find yourself in people-pleasing patterns or work and life situations without boundaries?
Or possibly things are going really well and then one afternoon you have a hard conversation with your partner, and suddenly you’re in a bad mood and can’t shake, feeling hopeless and helpless in the world?
Perhaps you feel overwhelmed and anxious with the state of the world? You finally feel like you’re coming into your body, only to be told that the government is actually in control of it now. Everything is going to sh*t and you have no idea how to keep your cool with your kids while the world is on fire.
Or you’re helping clients work through overwhelm and intimacy, but you’re still struggling to do this for yourself? You never completed those jade egg courses you signed up for. Or you don’t understand the patterns of your own sexuality that repeat themselves, like falling into periods of complete shut down.
Or maybe by the looks of it, life is great! There’s so much to be grateful for, but you can’t shake this feeling of apathy, wondering what you’re doing with your life or when things will finally work out. Facebook feels overwhelming – so much comparison and misery – and reading the news feed makes you want to climb into a cave.
Or you’re a high achiever? Constantly doing and going at the fastest pace. Feeling like what you do will never be enough, over-giving to clients, trying to show up to everyone with endless capacity, feeling depleted after a day of being in the world and interacting with family, clients or friendships.
All these responses are trauma responses.
And they’re all trauma responses with roots in capitalism, colonialism, an imbalanced patriarchal paradigm, a corrupt new-age me-centered fake spirituality, manipulative marketing, false promises, and codependent “healing work” offered from a place of someone else’s unintegrated trauma and need for power and to save, as opposed to listening to your body, honoring the parts of you who have never been met, and going at the pace of nature for your unique make-up.
These responses are not your fault. It’s the natural way for your body to tell you that the world we live in is unhealthy.
But even with this lack of health, there is a place we can take responsibility to work with these energies that exist in and around our bodies, so we can come into deeper senses of aliveness and thriving. And through this certification program, you can then offer this work to those you interact with, too.
This container is for you if you want to work with these responses, not against them.
Rooted: Somatic Soul Care Certification program teaches how to understand what’s happening in your body and how to see the energetics outside of self that are influencing you, which begins changing all of these experiences in your body and energetic field. It starts widening your capacity to be with what is, and how to find yourSelf even in intensity or in total collapse or freeze.
This doesn’t make the overwhelm of the world go away, but it does help you show up better to yourself and others in it.
Rooted is for you — a person with a profound purpose — who desires to show up in the world. Who feels called and claimed to be present, integrated, rooted, connected and in right relationship with purpose and pleasure during this chaotic and transformational period in our history.
This is for you if you desire to know what to do with your trauma responses, how to hold yourself and others through evolving stuck or wobbly places in your system, and how to help yourself and others through ALL the life experiences that will keep coming your way.
The Six Pillars
Rooted: Somatic Soul Care Certification program is built around six interconnected pillars that are the focus of this year long container. Connecting into right relationship with these pillars — having them build upon each other through the gestation process — is a ritualistic, embodied and therapeutic experience designed to help you delve deep into your own healing and then resurface to show up for the work with others–clients, partners, friendships, family, and collective change and transformation.
▼ Soul
The first pillar is about finding a deep connection within ourselves and our original blueprint of wholeness that is integral to who we are as humans.
Who am I as a soul self?
Unfortunately, we often receive imprints from the world around us — physical, energetic, spiritual, emotional and/or relational trauma — that cover up the natural blueprint of remembrance.
This pillar focuses on rooting into that blueprint inside of self, knowing it’s our soul’s journey to remember and rebirth.
The revolution begins within a regulated body. With a secure attachment system to self, earth and creation. With proper neuroception–an ability to feel what is dangerous versus what is safe, and to act upon the instincts of the body in aligned ways.
The second pillar focuses on how we use the body to navigate and understand the world, and how we heal the body to better show up in the world.
We look into our relationship to somatic awareness and our nervous systems, including in relationships to capitalism, racism and sexism.
Our bodies and earth are one. We are cyclical beings, just as the earth is a cyclical being. We are wild beings, just as the earth is a wild being. There is darkness, and there is light.
This container dances with animism and the concept that everything is alive and constantly communicating with us, just as we are communicating with it.
This pillar is about learning to communicate with the earth, how to ground into the natural cycles of life, and how to grieve and rage about the destruction of our planet, and the interconnection of it all.
Our ancestry and lineage plays a role in how we are able to show up in our lives. Many of us carry shame around our ancestor’s stories, or we haven’t differentiated their pain from our own. Here we can tap into the resources of our ancestors, and use them as support, guidance and embodied healing.
I see spirit as two-fold:
1) the physical expression of what it means to be a body with a soul
2) the expression of “god” energy in the universe, outside and within self
This isn’t a religious thing. Spirit could refer to god/goddess, the deep feminine, the universe, divinity or energy. It’s not so much about WHAT it is, as it’s how we relate to the experience of something beyond the seen eye. How can we tune into something beyond self, or something inherently powerful within self, that is deeply connected and rooted? How can we use spirit to regulate our beings into a sense of belonging? How can we be with spirit to remember our life force energy?
The erotic is life force energy. It is also death. It is regeneration. It is creation. It is the deep, spiritual, emotional and physical feeling behind all actions (shout out to Audre Lorde).
This pillar is about tapping into your life force, expression, creativity and magic that comes through your body, finding healing and integrative ways for this energy to come through.
How have we been conditioned to view sex? How do we better embrace our erotic nature, in the body we’re given, aligned and rooted to all that is? How do we tap into this feeling of love that empowers us? How do we find a feeling of home with eros?

What you receive with this program…

***This container spans 12 months and takes you through a journey of transformation via the six pillars. It offers deep somatic trauma resolution work for the nervous system, and supportive tools to help you engage with the content in a sustainable way (aka a way that doesn’t blow the fuse of your nervous system). It’s 12-months so that you can fully go on a rebirthing journey, with spaciousness and time to evolve at a human pace, yet offers 100+ certification hours.
We generally favor the mind and processing things cognitively, but the truth is, most of our “stuff” is actually stored deeper within the body and energy systems that operate in and around us. We therefore need to break out of the colonial paradigm of the mind, and move more towards the unseen and unfelt realms of body and energy and spirit beings.

***Two live educational + embodiment classes–focused on the pillar topics–are offered, along with somatic healing processes. Though it’s a group setting, you’ll be encouraged to go at your own pace, retreating into your inner world in a way that’s doable, manageable and applicable for your nervous system, so that the container is still tailored to you.
All classes are recorded in case you miss one or need to come back to the materials at a later time.
We’re in a time where capitalistic colonization is crumbling, and we need the tools and resources to move forward in integrity, alignment and transformative depth for all humanity. Not only do we need to do the important work of healing our personal trauma, but we also need to look at the abusive power dynamics of the world, so we can understand the collective trauma we’re entangled with today.

2 Group coaching + 1 skills practice calls per Pillar :: DEVELOPING YOUR SKILLS
Group coaching calls + skills practice calls are offered for each pillar. In group coaching you’ll receive a “hot seat” spot for 10 minutes so you get personalized attention within a supportive container with others. This encourages growth and transformation via witnessing each other, too. If there’s more than 10 people, there will be two pods.
In the face of change, you want to be the leaf that bends with the wind, rather than the tree bark that snaps. Being more connected to yourself allows you to show up in all areas of your life with resiliency, clarity, and a rooted sense of self.
Group coaching offers the tools you need to strengthen your root system, while connecting to the collective system.

This container is a combination of somatic body healing, energetic and electromagnetic field understanding, pleasure activism, ancestry and earth connection, and a deep integration on how to connect and stay rooted in one’s self sovereignty.
You receive two, 75-minute 1-on-1 coaching calls with Rae (plus the ability to pay for more with her or a support coach) to support you in deepening into the 6 pillars, and your somatic and energetic understanding.
First session will be in the first 2 months to hone in on the current “theme” of your life, understanding imprints and intentions. Second session will be scheduled when it suits best or when you need extra nervous system care.
You also receive…

☾ Live In-Person Retreat in Taos, New Mexico! Though it won’t be required to be in the program, there is a live in-person retreat option in June 2025 for deepening connections and doing in-person somatic and nature work, so you can experience profound transformation in resonance with other bodies. *No extra retreat cost, but airfare + housing + some food not included – more details to come*
☾ 11 mini Full Moon 30 minute retreats during the year. An offering to deepen into ritual and celebration of yourself, your progress, and the unique medicine within that you’re bringing forward into the world.
☾ Assistant Teacher – Mina. An assistant teacher is in the space who is available to meet you in anything that comes up during workshops or to provide 1-on-1 sessions outside of the program.
☾ Community. This container is purposefully created for a group of people because though 1-1 healing work is potent, healing with others on a similar path leads to exponential growth and transformation. I LOVE leading groups. I LOVE the magic that happens when energies resonate, or when someone says exactly what you were thinking out loud, or even the transformation that comes from interpersonal dynamics and tension. And I love that here you can experience others doing this work with you, knowing you are not alone.
Your Investment
Rooted: Somatic Soul Care Certification is a year long transformational container designed to hold deep, alchemical and integrative space to help you root into yourself so that you can show up for yourself, your clients, your work or business, your family, and for creating change in our chaotic world, in a stable, vibrant and more healed way.
Regular Price: $8000 USD or 12 monthly payments of $667
(extended 16-month payment plan of $500/month available for those in need)
Limited 16 spots available
.Hi I’m Rachel, though many call me Rae.
I live next to the Rio Grande Gorge in Taos, New Mexico, the home of the Tiwa.
I am a neurodivergent and queer writer, thought-leader, coach and guide in the trauma, somatic and embodiment fields. I love working with highly sensitive coaches, healers and leaders who’ve done all “the work” and yet still sense there are unseen life-degenerating patterns dictating their reality.
I am a seasoned practitioner with over a decade of experience in post-traumatic growth healing arts, with some of the most advanced trainings around trauma resolution, sexual liberation, and collective healing. I have a unique, mystical, ancestral and energetic approach to trauma healing + pleasure. My work goes far beyond the typical somatic experiencing principles and enters into nature, plus the energetic and mystical realms of the “unseen.”
Outside of my Master’s degree–where I extensively researched sexual and spiritual healing through neuroscience, trauma recovery and embodied interspirituality, focusing on the spiritual trauma incurred by those marginalized in the Christian Church through sexual suppression, abuse and LGBTQ+ identification–additional qualifications include…

☼ Certified in Alchemical Alignment: Bodywork for Trauma Resolution and Embodiment of the Spirit with Brigit Viksnins (certified in levels 1 – 14, and retook levels 1-7)
☼ Certified as a VITA coach, a 600+ hr Sex, Love and Relationship coaching program with Layla Martin
☼ Studied with Rachael Maddox as a Support Coach for her Sex After Trauma program, and through the ReBloom Somatic Trauma Resolution Coaching methodology
☼ Two years of intensive study in Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy via my graduate degree
☼ Master’s degree in Religion with concentrations in Neuroscience and Spiritual Development
☼ Certified in The Spinal Attunement Method via SomaMystica with Sigourney Belle Weldon
☼ Certified in Levels 1-3 of David Elliott’s Pranayama breathwork training
☼ Certified in Energetic Justice, anti-racism, anti-colonialism, and spiritual awareness modality
☼ Level 1 of Somatic Experiencing
☼ Level 1 of Craniosacral therapy through Upledger
☼ Certified in a year-long Emotional Leadership Certification Program
☼ 3+ year-long 1-on-1 mentorship with Tim DeSutter in Energetic Awareness and Energy Healing
☼ Consistently work with numerous coaches, practitioners, and experts in the fields of somatics and trauma
☼ Spent most of my early and mid 20’s in a transformational community rooted in permaculture, deep threads of spiritual traditions and practices, and healing
I am half-Engish, half-”American,” of English and Swiss-German descent, raised white and middle-class on a farm in the land of the Mesquakie, Sioux, and Ioway people (currently known as Iowa).
I grew up Christian in the Mennonite Church, and currently consider myself a witch with deep Mennonite roots that still inform the way I operate in this world.
In May of 2019 I had a life-changing car crash, a portal that sent me into the deepest underworld journey and initiation passage of my life, that included changing my name, moving to a place I’d never been, entering into a manipulative and controlling cult-like relationship dynamic, having intense and debilitating chronic health issues, becoming pregnant in a situation that was far out of alignment with my soul, and through it all… a deep rebirth, reclamation and remembrance of who I AM.
This passage was a catalyst of growth and transformation, leading to a deep rebirthing of myself into my “adult” and more sober energy, also known as a maiden to mother journey.
I’m telling you the roots I come from, because our original roots are a part of our rebirthing and rooted journeys. We have to acknowledge where we came from to know where we are going. The stories of delight and pain that have made us who we are.
We have an incredible support coach in this space, too!…
Mina Aidoo (she/her)

Mina (she/her) is a Pleasure Guide and Dance Artist. She weaves her 25+ years of experience in Somatics, the body, dance, sacred sexuality, trauma integration, art & her connection to Spirit into her movement and healing work, and will be adding Cranio Sacral Therapy to her toolkit, too.
Mina is a former professionally trained dancer and choreographer who now helps others heal their trauma.
In her own words: “I grew up in the 1980’s in a repressive Ghanian household with no models or guidance on what it meant to have healthy sexuality. There was a threat of violence from the men in my home, which taught me to fear men in general and no support with learning how to tend to my adolescent body. Plus layers and layers of unhealthy survivalist mindset and no space for healthy emotion. I held everything in and was super quiet and shy. A portion of my healing journey involved turning down a West End World Tour to find myself, drinking plant medicine, shaving my head & releasing a book of poetry. My book ‘Inky Black Woman’ went to Number one on the Amazon African Literature Chart. I now teach folk how to access the hidden power of their bodies so they can heal trauma, learn to feel good in their bodies, overcome depressive states, release generational and ancestral patterning, and Iive super juicy, powerful, sensual, pleasure-filled lives.”
Mina offers group and 1-1 work online to help you drastically change the way you feel inside your body, and increase your ability to feel more pleasure and joy. She began studying with the Somatic Trauma Resolution Alchemical Alignment community since October 2020 and has been assisting in the teaching team since March 2022. She has served as an assistant teacher during Rachel’s two founds of her nervous system sexuality course — Slow Burn — and she’ll be here with us in Rooted throughout the year!
You can find out more about Mina’s work at, or follow her on instagram @wildbodywisdom.
What others are saying about Rooted or 1-on-1 work with Rae…
When I signed up for Rooted I was looking to deepen my understanding and experiencing of somatic trauma resolution. This felt important to do for my own healing and for my work with clients. This course impacted me profoundly from the beginning and was appropriately titled Rooted + Rebirthed.
Rachel is an expert in the field and her teaching of the material is comprehensive and digestible. I was able to understand myself and my life experiences in a way I hadn’t before.
Prior to the program, my understanding was mostly at the intellectual level. During the program, it became embodied. I went through a deep transformation (which included discomfort) but it allowed me to step into a more authentic, whole, grounded, version of myself. I began to show up differently in all aspects of my life, especially relationships. It shifted family, friend, life, and business dynamics.
This course felt like a graduate level course in trauma. It not only facilitated my own personal transformation but equipped me with tools for supporting clients in their healing journeys. Rachel and the community of participants provided powerful support as I navigated some of the most difficult challenges of my life.
Post Rooted, my nervous system feels more grounded, regulated, and secure. Life continues to happen and I find myself less taken and shaken with what occurs around me. I have rebuilt parts of my life with a sense of self authority and self trust that I did not have before. I am living a life that feels authentic and aligned to me.
If you are curious about this program, trust that part of you and sign up. If you value community, learning, growth, and compassionate support, this is a potent container. If you want to show up as a better human, friend, coach, educator, or healer— this is for you. It’s been verrrrryyyy impactful and has truly changed my life.
Mind blown. Before working with Rachel, I didn’t believe that I would ever be able to move beyond some of the stuck, painful moments that I have been carrying in my body for decades. I can now confidently say that I fully believe healing is possible for me, and that I have been given the skills and resources to personally take these steps.
Being a therapist myself, I initially came into sessions with Rae quite skeptical, but it only took a couple of interactions to realize that this practitioner is a VERY rare gem. Rae’s medicine is a true gift to the earth, and more specifically, to today’s struggling society. Her capacity to hold space and intuitively facilitate is inspiring and I am so glad that I found her because she has taken my personal work to the next level.
If you are considering working with Rae – whether individually or in one of her programs – I urge you to book a call. Not only does Rae have a wealth of knowledge and wisdom (thanks to her extensive training and commitment to personal work), but she practices from a place of groundedness and intuition that far exceeds that of most other practitioners.
Other practitioners have taught me how to be rescued through my relationship with them. Rachel is teaching me how to be rescued through my relationship with myself. And that, that is worth more than anything.
There are few things I can recommend as wholeheartedly as Rooted. Nearly three years after our container, the seeds we planted are growing and flourishing in a garden of reconnection to my ancestors, creativity with my artwork, and communion with the earth and my body. Many times over the years since the program I have reflected on the moment after my exploration call when I was contemplating the course but hesitating because of cost. Inherited scarcity of resource of all kinds was one of the central things that drew me to the work of Rooted and it is truly some of the best money I have ever spent.
During our pillar of Soul, a series of watercolors was born through me that I have since polished into a form to share and the medicine of the messages I received is now touching my loved ones in the form of my artwork.
I believe connecting to our ancestry and who we were before colonialism (and still are) is an essential ingredient in anti racist work on Turtle Island. I have yet to find another space quite like the one Rae creates that allows for all of us to show up with an invitation into our deepest truth and healing with a trauma informed, spiritual, emerging and accepting love.
Before Rooted I was longing for stability within. Despite all external attempts to build a foundation, my inner world would still tremble with change. My life before Rooted was full of doubt, anxiety and scarcity and my life now is … rooted! I can honestly say that since Rooted, a steady force has strengthened within me. Over the course of Rooted, I stopped “shoulding” myself and relaxed into my body and spirit in a way I wasn’t able to before. While it sounds simple, it was the kind of work that needed to happen in a container of community. I now have a sense of being at home in myself wherever I am and have a strengthened communication to earth, body, ancestors, soul, and spirit.
If you hear the call to join Rooted I encourage you to accept. I believe this medicine is what our world needs.
I am so grateful that I was able to be a part of the Rooted container. When it started I had recently gotten married and was looking to start a family (I became pregnant a month into the program). I was also longing to locate myself within “the family of things.” I had a general idea of my lineage, but I never really thought to go deeper.
I had always felt there was something missing from the conversation about race that white people were having. When Rae helped us understand that part of what allows white supremacy to flourish is our disconnection from our ethnic roots, a light bulb went on for me. With no connection to our heritage, white supremacy fills that vacuum. Rooted helped to offer another path into true identity.
Rae has such a gift for holding and creating space. Even though we were virtual, the atmosphere and ambiance of our meetings mattered. She cultivated her physical space and encouraged us to do the same. It truly enriched the practice. Rae also guided us with wise questions and intense breathing practices and visualizations. Gently pushing us to dig into ourselves and the container.
It feels like Rooted illuminated so much of what was already inside me. Rae helped lead me into the depths of my psyche to meet parts of myself I’d all but forgotten. And all the while holding and supporting us with such care and knowledge. The process always felt safe, even if it also felt scary at times. I found a boldness within myself while doing Rooted. An unabashed, unafraid, unedited version of myself that was longing to make some noise and break stuff. And then make the broken new again.
Rooted truly changed my life for the better. It was a transformation portal and I came out feeling much more me. I felt untethered to the ideas the world had for who I ought to be and intune with my divine being. I am so grateful to Rae for offering such a blessing.
Course Calendar
Opening Retreat: Online – October 30 & 31, 11 am to 1 PM both days
Wed. Nov 6 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Soul Workshop 1
Wed. Nov 13 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Coaching Call 1
Fri. Nov. 12 – 12:30 PM MST – Full Moon Mini Retreat
Wed. Nov 20 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Soul Workshop 2
Nov 24 – 30 Integration Week
Wed. Dec 4 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Soul Workshop 3
Mon. Dec 9 – 10 am – 12 pm MST – Skills Practice 1
Wed. Dec. 11 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Coaching Call 2
Mon. Dec 16 11 – 11:30 AM – Full Moon Mini Retreat
Dec 22 – Jan 6 Integration Weeks
(+ Somatic Movement practice w/ Mina)
Wed. Jan 8 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Body Workshop 1
Mon. Jan 13 – 1 – 1:30 pm MST – Full Moon Mini Retreat
Wed. Jan 15 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Coaching Call 3
Wed. Jan 22 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Body Workshop 2
Jan 25 – Feb 1 Integration Week
Wed. Feb 5 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Body Workshop 3
Mon. Feb 10 – 10 am – 12 pm MST – Skills Practice 2
Wed. Feb 12 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Coaching Call 4
Thur. Feb 13 – 10 – 10:30 AM MST – Full Moon Mini Retreat
Feb 16 – Mar 1 Integration Weeks
(+ Somatic Movement practice w/ Mina)
MARCH 2025
Wed. Mar 5 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Earth Workshop 1
Wed. Mar 12 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Coaching Call 5
Thur. Mar 15 – 5 – 5:30 pm Full Moon Mini Retreat
Wed. Mar 19 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Earth Workshop 2
March 23 – 29 Integration Week
APRIL 2025
Wed. Apr 2 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Earth Workshop 3
Mon. Apr 7 – 10 am – 12 pm MST – Skills Practice 3
Wed. Apr 9 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Coaching Call 6
Fri. April 11 – 10 – 10:30 am MST – Full Moon Mini Retreat
Wed. Apr 16 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Skills Practice 4 Halfway Call
April 20 – May 3 Integration Weeks
(+ Somatic Movement practice w/ Mina)
MAY 2025
Wed. May 7 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Lineage Workshop 1
Mon. May 12 – 9 – 9:30 am MST – Full Moon Mini Retreat
Wed. May 14 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Coaching Call 7
Wed. May 21 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Lineage Workshop 2
May 25 – 31 Integration Week
JUNE 2025
Wed. June 4- 11 am – 1 pm MST – Lineage Workshop 3
Mon. June 9 – 10 am – 12 pm MST – Skills Practice 5
Tues. June 10 – 9 – 9:30 AM MST – Full Moon Mini Retreat
Wed. June 11 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Coaching Call 8
Thurs. June 19 – Sunday, June 22 // Live in Person Retreat in Taos, NM
JULY 2025
Wed. July 9 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Spirit Workshop 1
Thur. July 10 – 12:30 – 1 PM MST – Full Moon Mini Retreat
Wed. July 16 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Coaching Call 9
Wed. July 23 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Spirit Workshop 2
July 27 – August 2 Integration Week
Wed. Aug 6 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Spirit Workshop 3
Fri. Aug 8 – 3 – 3:30 PM MST – Full Moon Mini Retreat
Mon. Aug 11 – 10 am – 12 pm MST – Skills Practice 6
Wed. Aug 13 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Coaching Call 10
August 17 – 30 Integration Weeks
(+ Somatic Movement w/ Mina)
Wed. Sept 3 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Sex Workshop 1
Mon. Sept 8 – 9 am – 9:30 am MST – Full Moon Mini Retreat
Wed. Sept 10 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Coaching Call 11
Wed. Sept 17 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Sex Workshop 2
Sept 21-27 Integration Week
Wed. Oct 1 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Sex Workshop 3
Mon. Oct 6 – 10 am – 12 pm MST – Skills Practice 7
Wed. Oct 8 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Coaching Call 12
Wed. Oct 15 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Skills Practice Ending Call 8
Wed. Oct 29 – 11 am – 1 pm MST – Closing Ceremony Call
More questions? Email me at
Limited 16 spots available – email if curious, and have questions or concerns